Our main games were:
1. to describe the fauna of freshwater puddles on the White
Sea islands and to compose the list of species, living there;
2. to investigate the connection between species composition and abiotique
(dimensions, location above the sea; pÍ; electro-conductivity) and
biotique (vegetation, birds's influence) factors;
3. to trace the changing of species composition and vacillation of
numbers during the season exploring the puddle every 3-5 days;
4. to trace the changes exploring the puddle from year to year.
The description of a ðuddlå was made in the following way:
-we selected the puddle;
-abiotique and biotique factors were registered;
-the definition of zooplankton was held;
and, if it was necessary,
-the sample was taken;
-the mark was put.
54 pools were described in such à way (island
Skeletov, is. Vichennaja Luda,
is. Luda Ozhidanija, is. Sedlovataya Luda, is.
Cheremshiha, is. Odinokaja
Srednjaja Luda).
The samples of zooplankton and insects should be distributed by groups and determined later in Moscow.
Some facts were marked:
-the larvae of flying insects (for example Chiromidea) live
almost in all studied puddles;
-Daphnia magno inhabits pools with sulinity of up to 4,5 promille;
-in the puddles with square of 4 or less square meters entomofauna
was represented by small (less than 5 mm) beetles from family Direxsidea
and from family of Corixsidea. In the ladger puddles beetles from
family of wàtåã-dear and larvas dragon-fly fly also
were found.