# Leaf morphometry of the young Alnus incana tree (less then 10 years) # Karelia, Loukhi district, 3 km from Verkhnjaja Pulonga village, wet road in the spruce forest, 14-15.08.2004 # In total, 2/3 of branches were measured # bigaln.txt Leaf data (original) # bigaln2.txt Leaf data (modified to conform with bigaln.tps) # bigaln.tps Leaf landmarks data (made in tpsDig); landmarks located on base, top and endpoints of first 5 pairs of primary veins (from each side) = 12 landmarks PIC Leaf number (and number of PNG picture) NAME Full name (decyphered in variables P.1--LIST) EXIST 1 if picture presents P.1 Number of first order branch P.2 " second " P.3 " third " P.4 " fourth " LIST Leaf number on the last order branch (from base) LENGTH Leaf length WIDTH Leaf width D.LOC Location of maximal width L.ZUBTSA Length of maximal tooth (measured from tooth base) N.ZHILOK Number of primary veins from the left side of leaf OPUSH.PO Pubescence of petiole (1 if pubescent) OPUSH.L Pubescence of leaf bottom (0 no, 1 only along veins, 2 continuous) COORD "Coordinate" of the leaf base, measured from the base of second order branch (if present) or first order branch