Short history of the system
v.0.1 (Feb 1992)
Preliminary version, based mainly on Takhtajan (1966, 1987) and Dahlgren (1983) works.
v.1.0 (Feb 1993)
First public version.
v.2.0 (Dec 1994)
First electronic version.
v.3.0 (Sep 1998)
Completely rearranged orders and superorders.
More recent versions
v.4.0 (Jun 1999)
Molecular systematics was taken into account, suborders introduced.
v.4.2 (Dec 2000)
All taxa improved with recent information, 3 orders added.
Some of changes in v.4.4 (Feb 2002):
- Rubiineae (Olmstead, 2000)
- Harrisonia included in Rutaceae (Fernando et al., 1995)
- Geraniales improved and misc. small changes (Savolainen et al., 2000)
- Some names/taxa improved (Thorne, 2000; Takhtajan, 1997)
- Celestraceae improved (Simmons at al., 2001; Simmons et al., 2001a)
- Rosineae improved (Persson, 2001)
- Some changes near Palmae (Asmussen, Chase, 2001)
- Minor changes in Cucurbitales (Carlquist, Miller, 2001)
- Some synonims to Papaveraceae (Hoot, 1997)
- Rhamnineae (Thulin et al., 1997)
- Amaryllidaceae, strucrure of Violales (Chase, Fay, Savolainen, 2000; Endress, 1995)
- Chloranthales established, Hernandiaceae etc. in Magnoliidae (Doyle, Endress, 2000; Renner, Chanderbali, 2000; Matthews, Donoghue, 2000; Qiu et al., 2000)
- Santalales, Hydnoraceae, Cynomoriaceae moved (Nickrent, Malecot, 2001; Nickrent, 2001)
- Luzuriagaceae included in Alstroemeriaceae etc. (Vinnersten, Bremer, 2001)
- Tecophilaeaeceae and other "lower asparagoids" moved to Iridineae (Kocyan, Endress, 2001; Revees et al., 2001; Chase et al., 2001)
- Hypoxidaceae and Asparagineae improved (Fay et al., 2000; Nallamilli, Ramsey, 2000; Yamashita, Tamura, 2000)
- Some improvements (`an-notes' to 12.2001)
- Some addings to Cannabaceae (Song et al., 2001)
- Myrtales rearranged (Wilson et al., 2001; Clausing, Renner, 2001; Conti et al., 1997)
- Mapaniaceae excluded from Cyperaceae (Simpson, 2001)
- Simmondsiaceae + Physenaceaee included in Polygonineae (morphological reasons)
- Apiineae rearranged (Plunkett, 2001; Plunkett, Lowry, 2001)
- Asterids, especially Ericales, improved and rearranged (Albach et al., 2001;)
- Bremer et al., 2001; Prince, Parks, 2001
- Caryophyllales rearranged (Meimberg et al., 2000; Applequist, Wallace, 2001; Cuenoud et al., 2002)
- Brunelliaceae excluded from Cunoniaceae (Bradford, Barnes, 2001)
- Saxifragales rearranged (Fishbein et al., in press)
- Poineae and Zingiberales rearranged (Givnish et al., 2001)
- Limnanthaceaee included in Capparineae (Andersson, Andersson, 2000)
- Lissocarpaceae included in Ebenaceae (Berry et al., 2001)
- Icacinaceae rearranged (Kaarehed, 2001)
- Ranunculales rearranged (Kim et al., 2001)
- Morinaceaee included in Dipsacaceae (Zhang, 2001)
- Lindenbergiae included in Orobanchaceae; Scroph. restructured (Wolfe et al., 2001)
- Humbertia, Dichondra in Convolv. (Stefanovic, Olmstead, 2001)
- Myristicaceae moved (Sauquet, 2001)
- Pteleocarpa excluded from Boraginaceae (Olmstead, Ferguson, 2001)
- Hydnoraceae s.str. included in Aristolochiaceae (Nickent et al., 2001)
- Rafflesiales (Mitrastemonaceae, Rafflesiaceae) moved close to Malvales
- Boryaceae, Orchidaceae moved; Aphyllanthaceae included in Hyacinthaceae (Mcpherson, Graham, 2001)
- Anisophylleaceae make Linanae included in Rosanae and some movings (Matthews et al., 2001)
- Commelininae rearranged (Graham et al., 2001)
- Mayacaceae, Rapateaceae included in Bromeliinae (Campbell et al., 2001)
- Aceraceae included in Sapindaceae
- Verbenaceae included in Scrophulariaceae
- Linales included in Violales
- Vitales included Berberidopsidales
- Authors added (Index Nominum Supragenericorum)
- Tepuianthaceae moved to Malvales
- Magnolianae, Malvales, Ericales, Ranunculales etc. improved
Some of changes in v.4.607 (Mar 2003):
- Cosmetic changes, according Doweld (2001) and Monocots III abstracts
- Morinaceae separated, Triplostegia in Dipsacaceae (Zhang et al., 2003)
- Dasypogonaceae moved to Poales (Neyland, 2002b)
- Mackinlayaceae Doweld (Reveal, 2003)
- Rearrangements in Poales and Zingiberales (Michelangeli, Davis, Stevenson, 2003)
- Sabiineae moved to Platanales
- Medusandraceae moved into Passifloraceae (Chase, pers. comm.)
- Dipentodontaceae and Tapisciaceae formed Tapisciineae inside Capparales (BLAST)
- Rosales rearranged (Sytsma et al., 2002)
- Lamiales rearranged, Calceolariaceae re-established (Bremer et al., 2002)
- Violales completely rearranged (Chase et al., 2002)
- Winterineae moved to Magnoliales
- Hydnoraceae and Asaraceae added to Aristolochiaceae (Nickrent, 2001b)
- Some changes in general structure (superorders, abbreviations etc.)
- Numerous changes in Violales (Stevens, 2002)
- Oleineae changed (Stevens, 2002)
- Aragoa included in Plantaginaceae (Ronsted et al., 2002)
- Major rearrengements in Ericales (Anderberg et al., 2002)
- Some transpositions in Boraginaceae (Gottschling et al., 2001)
- Escalloniaceae and Escalloniinae improved, Asterales processed (Lundberg, 2001, 2001b)
- Rosaceae moved to Urticales, order renamde to Rosales, and former Rosales to Fabales (Evans, 2002; DeCraene, 2002)
- Triuridaceae moved close to Pandanaceae (Rudall, 2002)
- My Rosidae became more robust (Litt, Irish, 2002; Soltis, 2002)
- Connaraceae included in Oxalidaceae (Mattews, Endress, 2002)
- Poales rearranged, Flagellariaceae revived (Bremer, 2002)
- Taccaceae included in Dioscoreaceae, Corsiaceae ~ Campynemataceae (Caddick et al., 2002; Rudall, Eastman, 2002)
- Some rearrangements in Liliaceae (Patterson, Givnish, 2002)
- Najas to Hydrocharitaceae, Camassiaceae in Agavaceae (Thorne, 2002)
- Emblingia moved close to Resedaceae, Koeberliniaceae to Salvadoraceae (Stevens, 2002)
- Curtisia moved to Grubbiaceae (Xiang et al., 2002)
- Clethraceae and Cyrillaceae moved to Ericaceae (Anderberg, Xiang, 2002)
- Fossil Archefructaceae added to Nymphaeales (Sun et al., 2002)
- Stixeae moved from Capparaceae to Resedaceae (Jocelin, Sytsma, 2002)
- Ecdeiocoleia moved to Gramineae (Michelangeli et al., 2002)
- Guamatela added to Picramniaceae (Oh, Potter, 2002)
- Moringaceae and Caricaceae united (Olson, Schaal, 2002)
- Trapaceae included in Lythraceae (Huang, Shi, 2002)
- Avicenniaceae moved to Acanthaceae (Schwarzbach, McDadeb, 2002)
- Zingiberales: Maranthaceae included in Cannaceae, family order rearranged (Kress et al., 2001)
- Family order in Malvales changed (Stevens, 2002)
- Laxmanniaceae and Cordyline moved to Asparagaceae
Some of changes in v.4.800 (Dec 2005):
- Picramniaceae to the Zygophyllales (Doweld, 2001)
- Some changes in synonyms with relation of 4-system comparative table
- All names corrected in accordance with Hoogland and Reveal, 2005 (with additions from J. Reveal Web-site)
- Haptanthaceae to the Buxineae (Doust, Stevens, 2005)
- Changes in Santalaceae-Opiliaceae (Der, Nickrent, 2005)
- Further support for the Celastranae and Malvanae (Matthews, Endress, 2005)
- Thurniaceae (Jones, 2005)
- Anacardiaceae + Burseraceae (Stevens, 2005)
- Further support to the Hypoxidaceae s.l., Doryanthes in Iridaceae, Xeronema in Xanthorrheaceae (Rudall, 2003)
- Rearrangements to Malpighiales (Davis et al., 2005)
- Brachycaulaceae in Saxifragaceae (Panigrahi, 2002; M. Chase, pers. comm.)
- Sphaerosepalaceae (Applequist, Lowry II, 2005)
- Rearrangements in Escalloniinae (Lundberg, 2005)
- Further support for Smilacaceae s.l. (Cameron, Fu, 2003)
- Moving Commelinaceae (Graham et al., 2003)
- Zosteraceae (Smith, Graham, 2003)
- Samydaceae and Scyphostegiaceae (Alford, 2005)
- Moving Balsaminaceae (Janssens et al., 2005)
- Chenopodiaceae (Kadereit et al., 2003; Mueller, Borsch, 2005)
- Moving Zygophyllales to Geranianae (taking into account the unpublished Kinman, 2004)
- Pentanaea temporarily to Tapisciaceae (Chase, pers. comm.)
- Heteropyxidaceae and Psiloxylaceae in Myrtaceae (Sytsma et al., 2004; Wilson et al., 2005)
- Further support to Gunnareaeae in Platanales (Wanntorp and De Craene, 2005)
- Himantandraceae (Hilu et al., 2003)
- Rearrangements in Geraniales (Judd and Olmstead, 2004)
- Main rearrangements in Rosidae: four new superorders, Oxalidales and Zygophyllales (Hilu et al., 2003; Judd and Olmstead, 2004;
- Rearrangements in Liliidae: moving Arecales and Hanguanaceae (Davies, 2004; Chase, 2005)
- Further support for Lythraceae s.l. (Graham et al., 2005)
- Rearrangement in Capparales: Gyrostemonaceae in Resedaceae etc. (Hall et al., 2004)
- Support for Limeaceae (Hassan et al., 2005)
- Support for the inclusion of Myrothamnaceae in Platanales (Leng and Friis, 2003)
- Only four families in Cucurbitales (Mattews and Endress, 2004; Zhang et al., 2005)
- Moving Brunelliaceae (Mattews and Endress, 2002)
- Aphloiaceae, Guamatela in Staphyleaceae (Mattews and Endress, 2005; Smith, 1914)
- Support for Huerteales (Peng, 2003)
- Polygalaceae more close to Leguminosae (Prenner, 2004)
- Huerteales, Perrotettia in Tapisciaceae (Stevens, 2005; Matthews, Endress, 2005b)
- Trichostephanus in Salicaceae, Gerrardina as a family in Huerteales (Alford, 2005)
- Dirachmaceae close to Rhamnaceae (De Craene and Miller, 2004)
- Monotypic Vitales, moving "Berberidopsidales" to Dilleniales (De Craene, 2004)
- Further support for Haloragaceae s.l.; suborders in Saxifragales (Fishbein, 2004)
- Moving Rafflesiaceae and Mitrastemonaceae (Barkman et al., 2004)
- Moving Cytinaceae and Apodanthaceae (Nickrent et al., 2004)
- Moving Aphanopetalaceae to Haloragaceae, Cynomoriaceae near to Crassulaceae, Balanophoraceae near Santalaceae (Nickrent, 2005)
- Rearrangements in Saxifragales, Peridiscaceae (Nickrent, 2005)
- Full rearrangement an rename of Malpighiales (Davis, 2004a,b; Stevens, 2005)
- Further support for Apodanthaceae in Malvales (Blarer et al., 2004)
- Huaceae to Oxalidineae, further rearrangement in Malpighiales (Wurdack, Davis, 2005)
- Rearrangements in Platanales, Nelumbo in Platanales (Kim et al., 2004a)
- Gunnerineae is "stat. m." (Kim et al., 2004b)
- Further support for Lacrotidaceae (Neinhius, 2005)
- Eupteleineae, Sabiineae (Qiu et al., 2005)
- Further support for Magnoliaceae s.l. (Sauquet et al., 2003)
- Isidrogalvia to Nartheciaceae (Tamura et al., 2004a)
- Support for Liliaceae s.l. (Tamura et al., 2004b)
- Autorship of Haptanthaceae (Nelson, 2001)
- Move Chloranthales (Eklund et al., 2004)
- Eupomatiaceae (Endress, 2003)
- Hydnoraceae (Gonzalez, Rudall, 2003)
- Rearrangements in Asterales (Lundberg and Bremer, 2003)
- Adding synonyms to Lamiales (Olmstead, 2004; Rahmanzadeh et al., 2004; Wortley et al., 2005)
- Breaking of the Euphorbiaceae s.l. (Wurdack et al., 2004)
- Mayor rearrangements in Liliidae (Chase et al., 2005)
- Oxychloe in Juncaceae (Drabkova et al., 2003)
- Only two families in Dipsacales (Howarth and Donoghue, 2005)
- Further support for Primulaceae s.l. (Lens et al., 2005)
- Rearrangements in Ericales (Shonenberger et al., 2005)
- Further support for Garryaceae s.l. (Liston, 2003)
- Columelliaceae to Escalloniinae (Bremer et al., 2004)
- Rearrengements in Araliineae (Chandler and Plunkett, 2004)
- Hydroleaceae close to Solanaceae and Convolvulaceae (Erbar et al., 2005)
- Grubbiaceae to the Cornaceae (Fan and Xiang, 2003)
- Changes in Ericales: Primulineae, Pentaphylacaceae (Geuten, 2004)
- Rearrangements around Scrophulariaceae (Oxelman et al., 2005)
- Byblis in Schrophulariaceae (Mueller, 2004)
- Rearrangements in Ranunculales (Anderson et al., 2005)
- Chloranthales, rearrangements in Magnoliidae (Bell et al., 2005)
- Support for the Magnoliidae s.l. (Kramer, 2004: euAG/PLE gene duplication)
- Move Trimeniaceae to Schisandrineae (Soltis, Soltis, 2004)