
No. 35, Vol. 4, 2001


Biodiversity, taxonomy, ecology

Andrianova T.V. Phyllotrophic mitosporic fungi of ⌠Cape Mart▓ian■ nature reserve (Ukraine, Crimea)// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 4, 2001. P.1-11.


The species composition of phyllotrophic deuteromycetes in arid submediterranean plant communities of ⌠Cape Mart▓ian■ nature reserve (Ukraine, Crimea) was investigated during 1981/1982, 1984, 1999/2000. 39 mitosporic fungi (hyphomycetes and coelomycetes) from 12 genera were found. Ascochyta nobilis Kabát et Bubák on Dictamnus gymnostilis, Ascochyta woronowiana Siemaszko on Psoralea bituminosa, Phyllosticta hypoglossi (Mont.)Allesch. on Ruscus ponticus are new for the Ukraine. Mycovellosiella ariae (Fuckel)U.Braun on Sorbus torminalis, Ramularia rubella (Bonord.)Nannf. on Rumex crispus, Phyllosticta albo-brunnea Bubák et Wróbl. on Senecio cineraria, Phyllosticta zahlbruckneri Bäumler on Oberna crispata were new for Crimea. The list of phyllotrophic mitosporic fungi of ⌠Cape Mart▓ian■ is presented with indication of host plants, habitats and level of pathogenicity. Investigations were partly supported by Darwin Initiative project.

Bilder I.W. Micromycetes of trees and shrubs from North Kyrghyzstan spruce forests// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 4, 2001. P.11-17.


80 fungal species were found on the territory of North Kyrghyzstan. Localization, habitats, substrates and sampling data are presented for each species.

Bogachova A.V. The early springtime Discomycetes from the Far East Federal Marine reserve// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 4, 2001. P.17-24.


Some islands of the Marine reserve were investigated in June 1999 in a course of floristic studies of Discomycetes. About 40 species were identified. Lachnum, Dasyscyphus and Helotium phyllophilous species were widespread. Several Mollisia species were found on dead logs.

Bogomolova E.V. Isopropyl alcohol induced mycelium formation in lithobiont black yeasts// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 4, 2001. P.24-28.


Исследовали три штамма литобионтных черных дрожжей рода Phaeococcomyces sp., описанного ранее как неспособного к формированию мицелия и псевдомицелия. Показано, что добавление в среду культивирования изопропилового спирта (ИПС) в концентрациях 1-5% вызывает формирование мицелия у всех исследованных штаммов. Процесс перехода начинается с образованием аномально (в 3-4 раза) увеличенных сферических клеток, постепенно прорастающих в псевдомицелий и затем в мицелий, Аналогичные эксперименты с этанолом не дали подобного результата. Рассмотрены две гипотезы: 1) ИПС влияет на инозитол-фосфолипидный сигнальный путь; 2) ИПС действует как стресс-фактор, запуская переход к альтернативному типу роста. Полученные данные в большей степени свидетельствуют в пользу второй гипотезы.

Huseyinov E., Selçuk F., Aslantas I. Some data on agaricoid fungi from Sivas province (Turkey)// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 4, 2001. P.29-33.


Приведены сведения о 68 видах грибов из семейств Boletaceae, Hygrophoraceae, Tricholomataceae, Entolomataceae, Agaricaceae, Coprinaceae, Bolbitaceae, Strophariaceae, Cortinariaceae, Russulaceae и Pleurotaceae, выявленных в 1998-1999 гг. в провинции Сивас (Турция).

Kazantzeva M.N. Mutinus ravenelii from Tyumen region// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 4, 2001. P.34-35.


Data on a new species of Mutinus ravenelii (Phallales) are presented. This rare mushroom species was found in arboretum of the wood experimental station in Tyumen.

Mel▓nik V.A., Stephenson S.L. Deuteromycetes associated with thr litter of a planted Picea sitshensis on subantarctic Campbell Island (New Zealand)// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 4, 2001. P.36-40.


Приведены сведения о 6 видах дейтеромицетов. Все они найдены на опаде Picea sitshensis с субантарктического о. Кэмпбелл (Новая Зеландия) и ранее здесь не отмечались. По крайней мере 2 из них относятся к редким видам. Вид Endophragmiella pinicola впервые найден на этом растении, ранее этот гриб в южном полушарии известен не был. Так же впервые найден на Picea sitshensis вид Troposporella monospora.

Novozhilov Yu.K., Fefelov K.A. An annotated checklist of the Myxomycetes of Sverdlovsk Region, West Siberian lowland, Russia// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 4, 2001. P.41-52.


На территории Свердловской обл., а так же в некоторых приграничных районах на территории Западно-Сибирской низменности отмечено 105 видов миксомицетов из 29 родов, среди них 8 видов √ новые для России. Биота миксомицетов Свердловской обл. является типичной для таежной зоны.

Terekhova V.A., Trofimov S.Ya. Influence of micromycetes cross introduction on decomposition of two litter types in undisturbed spruce forests of southern taiga// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 4, 2001. P.53-58.


Influence of cross introduction of micromycetes on the intensity of organic matter mineralisation of two litter types in undisturbed southern taiga ecosystems was studied in laboratory conditions. The results proved the phenomenon of high adaptation of micromycetes to the decomposed substrate. It has been shown that micromycetes▓ diversity does not account for the speed of organic matter mineralisation in forest litter.

Czerepanova N.P., Czerepanov P.S. Ecological trophical groups of Ascomycetes of Russian North-West Region// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 4, 2001. P.59-64.


A review of main ecological groups of Ascomycetes of Russian North-West Region is represented in the paper.

Physiology and biochemistry of fungi

Terenina E.E., Chernov I.Yu. Taxonomic structure of yeast communities associated with inverterbrates// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 4, 2001. P.65-73.


Yeasts are very common in the intestinal tract of various forest inhabiting invertebrates in the Moscow Region. Ascomycetous yeasts are generally predominate in invertebrates while species of basidiomycetous affinity are the most widespread in background substrates such as plants? plant debris, and soil. The taxonomic composition of yeast community in the intestinal tract of an invertebratr is shown to be determined first of all by its trophic type. Yeasts are especially abundant in phytophagous invertebrates. Euribiontic ascomycetous yeast species are the most common in phyllophagous invertebrates while specialized symbiotic yeast communities are formed in xylophages and mycophages.


Phytopathogenic fungi

Babayants L.T., Vasiliev A.A., Babayants O.V. Changes in race composition of Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici in the south of Ukraine in 1997-1999// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 4, 2001. P.74-81.


Race 144 of Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici became dominate in the south of Ukraine instead of previously dominated race 77. The other races have been observed very seldom. The number of pathogenic isolates virulent to genes Lr 9 and Lr 19 make 1-2% of population. These genes are keep effectiveness as before. Compare to the previous years, the number of isolates virulent to the gene Lr 24 has been increased. However, this gene partially stays effective. 33% of isolates virulent to Lr 2a, 32% of isolates virulent to Lr 15, 29% of isolates to Lr 26, 50% of isolates √ to Lr 29, and to all the rest Lr-genes (1, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3bg, 3ka, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14a, 14b, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 30, 32, 34 ) √ 65-99% of pathgenic isolates. These genes are not effective or have low effectiveness. Essential changes have not been observed in the resistance degree of cultivated wheat varieties and used for breeding donors of resistance.

Critics and bibliography

Nyuksha Yu.P. ,Novotel▓nova N.S., Potlaychuk V.I. Nikolay Alexandrovich Naumov. 1888-1959. Moscow: Nauka, 2000. 144 p.82