S.V.Puchkovsky. Redundancy of alive system: notion, definition, forms, adaptivity.. // Journal of General Biology. 1999. V. 60. Number 6.

Udmurt State University, Universitetskaya 1, Izhevsk 426034, Russia


The author discusses the idea of redundancy as a universal feature of alive systems. Redundancy of biosystem means a combination of different fragments in its structure: adaptation that are actual in the current moment, preadaptations, reserve potentials for survival in extraordinary situation, potentials for evolution changes, non adaptive characters. Among various forms of redundancy the author discerns microevolutional, phylogenetic, competitive, qualitative, quantitative, functional, structural, informative, spatial and ecological. The idea of redundancy does not contradict the concepts of adaptionality, catastrophism, structuralism and neutralism. The redundancy is considered as one of the oldest aromorphosis. Redundancy, as adaptation, is a universal idea that is very perspective for studying.