S.I. Kropotov, O.V. Krivenko. Chlorophyll "a" and products of its decay in the Black Sea: seasonal and interannual variability. // Journal of General Biology. 1999. V. 60. Number 5.

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kapitanskaya ul. 2, Sevastopol 335000, Ukraine


The study of of chlorophyll "a" and pheopigment content in the surface waters of the Black Sea during 1980-1990 showed five types of seasonal variability. Shelf waters in the north-west part of the Sea are characterized by two maximums of chlorophyll "a" occuring in May and September. In the eastern part of this region maximum of chlorophyll content is observed in August and during winter-spring period. Prolonged summer minimum and winter-spring maximum are registered in the south-west part of the Black Sea. On the rest part of the sea seasonal curve of concentration has three maximums observed in February-March, July-August and October-November. Yearly variability of pheopigment content is characterized by maximums in May, September and December.