Shmalhausen Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, B.Khmelnitsky ul. 15, Kiev 252601, Ukraine
The morphological adaptations of protozoans to sessile mode life and evolutionary changes in ontogeny are considered. There are main morphotypes of sessile protists: stalked organisms that attached to substrate by the extended base of body (basal disk), and unstalked organisms that are flatted on substrate. The origin of the morphotypes was independent in different taxa and involved nonhomologous structures. Adaptation to the sessile mode of life in the protists was connected with the progressive increase in the body size and intensity of organelle functions by polymerisation, subsequent division of function and change of functions. Evolution of adhesive organelles is characterised by growing intensity of their functions by allometric growth (usually without polymerisation), and in some cases with the subsequent division of functions and change of functions. The evolution manifests itself primarily in the organelles that provide interaction of cell with environment. The organelles that ensuring functioning of cell change due to correlations with the organelles of the first group. These two groups of organelles are similar to A.N.Sewertsoff's ecto- and endosomatic organs in multicellular organisms. The ontogeny of the sessile protists included three stages: formation of the migratory stage, distribution and choice of substrate and metamorphosis of the migratory stage after adhesion. As a rule there are no recapitulations on the first stage. The majority of structures tomotes or zoospores are inherited from the parent cell. Thus the present of some ancestral characteristics at the earlier stages of protistean ontogeny is display of the Baer's law. The main features of ontogeny evolution in sessile protists are the anaboly of the additional stages of life cycle, the displays of archallaxis or deviation during the migratory stage formation, and anaboly at the stage of buds morphogeny after adhesion. At the last stage, the study of recapitulations is most perspective with the decision of phylogenetic problems in sessile protists.