K.M.Khailov. "Life" and "life on the Earth": two scientific paradigms. // Journal of General Biology. 1998. V. 59. Number 2.

Institute of Biology of South Seas, Ukraine National Academy of Science, Nakhimova 2, Sevastopol 335011, Ukraine


The deep biosphere crisis and weak efficiency of scientific recommendation for its control induce to extend the discussion (Ghilarov, 1994; Chernov, 1995) on the scientific heritage of V.I.Vernadsky and relations between biology and biogeochemistry. To avoid discission on minor details the general approach should be focused on the different factological bases, basic conceptions, their matter and logic as well as on the different practical uses. Multidimensional comparison shows that there is no competition between biology and biogeochemistry, classical biology and biosphere conception of nature organisation and evolution. They both reflect reality but from different points of view and supplement each other. In the face of biosphere crisis their union but not contradiction is necessary.