A. R.Ishbirdin. About two parallel approaches to the analysis of vegetation. // Journal of General Biology. 2000. V. 61. Number 1.

Institute of Biology, Ufa Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Science, Oktyabrya prospekt 65, Ufa 450054, Russia


Two parallel approaches to the analysis of vegetation based on plant geography are being developed in modern science. In European countries, there is ecologo-morphological classification (EMC), in Russia - comparative floristics (CF). The development of CF in many theoretical aspects is similar to EMC. One of the reason of parallel development is late penetration of EMC ideas into Russia. The objective reason of this phenomenon is extremely low endemism of floras that were traditionally studied by Russian geobotanic schools, viz. steppes and forests. The high level of endemism in central European floras (especially in Alps) allows to transform the principles of floristic division to vegetation classification. During last 20 years the Russian deviate of EMC demonstrates deviation with theoretical basement of EMC - conception of typical species, using non-differentiate block of diagnostic species. That does not provide any new content either to syntaxa and coenofloras that exist in European classifications or to the method of partial floras in CF.