(Indexed in "Current Contents")
D.L.Grodnitsky. The epigenetic theory of evolution as a basis for a new evolution synthesis
A.P.Poltorakov. An analysis of survival curves by the model of vital receptors. The maximal time life. The influence of temperature on the life span. The density function (curve of deaths) and it parameters
E.V.Gorb, S.N.Gorb. Effect of some characters of myrmecochorous syndrome on the removal rates of diaspores of Corydalis cava and Pulmonaria obscura by Formica polyctena ants
S.V.Berdnikov, M.V.Yarovskaya. Sedimentation in the seasonal cycle of unicellular algae: a model based approach
Y.B.Manteifel, A.N.Reshetnikov. Selective predation on tadpoles of three anuran species
E.B.Fedoseeva. Head capsule: its topography, forms and functions in Aculeata (Hymenoptera)
N. Perrin, V. Mazalov. Application of methods of restoration theory in the models of optimal feeding
Scientific discussion
A.A.Nazarenko. Is unified conception of species in ornithology possible or not? (opinion of practicing taxonomist)
L.I.Irzhak. On the book of V.V.Nalimov "Universe as geometry and measure. Biological aspect of global evolutionism: some metaphysical consequences"
B.M.Mirkin, L.G.Naumova. On the book of V.V.Akatov "Island effect as a factor of formation of alpine phytocoenoses in the Western Caucasus"
An analysis of survival curves by the model of vital receptors.
The maximal time life. The influence of temperature on the life span. The density function (curve of deaths) and it parameters
N.N.Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Science, Kosygin str. 4, Moscow 117977, Russia
E-mail: poltoracov@mtu-net.ru
We have continued an analysis of survival curves by the model of the vital receptors (MVR). The main types survival function (E-, TWand GM- distributions) have been considered. It was found that the maximal time life depends on the threshold concentration of vital receptors. Equations are obtained for the dependence of the maximal time life on the kinetic parameters in the reactions of inactivation, destruction and inactivation. Dependence of maximal time life on initial size of the population have been considered. The influence of temperature on the survival curves is analyzed by E-distribution. Equations are founded for the description of thermosurvival and thermoinactivation curves. Equation are obtained for the dependence of density function and it characteristics (modal and antimodal age, coefficient of asymmetry) on the MVR parameters. It was shown that (E-, TW- and GM-distribution has different types of asymmetry. The coefficient of asymmetry of GM-distribution is associated on the parameters. It is assumed that symmetry of the curves of mortality and birth-rate is coordinated by the mechanisms of MVR.
Y.B.Manteifel, A.N.Reshetnikov
Selective predation on tadpoles of three anuran species
A.V.Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Science, Leninsky pr. 33, Moscow 117071, Russia
In laboratory experiments an introduced fish Perccottus glenii consumed selective tadpoles of three numerous anuran amphibian species of Moscow Province. Perccottus glenii actively consumed tadpoles of the Rana arvalis and R.temporaria of all sizes. These predators consumed significantly lesser number of Bufo bufo tadpoles and frequently rejected them after seizing without considerable damages. Observations showed that P.glenii rejects B.bufo after intraoral testing. Larvae of dragonfly Aeschna cyanea also actively consumed almost all sized R.arvalis tadpoles, while usually rejected B.bufo after attacking and damaging them. Larvae of diving beetle Dytiscus marginalis sucking out captured prey, intensively consumed tadpoles of R.arvalis and B.bufo and did not reject them.
Is possible an unified species concept in ornithology?
Institute of Biology and Soil Science, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Science, Vladivostok 690022, Russia
E-mail: zoology@eastnet.febras.ru
An analysis of current publications on species problem reveals the radical discrepancy between the statements of species reality in nature and different number of these "realities" in light of different species concepts. It has been shown, that the only realities are populations, and "species" is only logical construct the notion. A concept of species is a system of interconnected notions, where the main element ontology of species has been always given a priori to the real biodiversity. For that reason every concept of species creates its own "virtual reality". Various concepts of species are not mutually comparable, and can not be criticized from each other's views and from position of "reality". Biological and Phylogenetic Species Concepts competing in ornithology exclude each other completely, and the unified concept of species is principally impossible. But as generally accepted species "standard" is needed, the unified convention of species must take the place of the various concepts of species.
Sedimentation in the seasonal cycle of unicellular algae: a model based approach
S.V.Berdnikov, M.V.Yarovskaya
Institute of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, Rostov State University, prospekt Stachki 200/1, Rostov-na-Donu 344090, Russia
E-mails: serg@gis.rnd.runnet.ru
The efficiency of quick sedimentation (quicker then at normal condition) of unicellular algae at the end of seasonal cycle was studied in Okhotsk sea. Model researches were based on the effect of competition of two algae populations. Analytical investigations of simplified variant of mathematical model and computing experiments showed that cell sedimentation and falling into the unfavorable (dark and cold) environment could be compensated by the increase in survival under these "negative" conditions. Vertical mixing of water has effect. Generally, mechanism of convective mixing is one of the factors that helps competing populations of unicellular algae to exist under conditions of changing environment.
The epigenetic theory of evolution as a basis for a new evolution synthesis
Sukachev Institute of Forest Reseach, Russian Academy of Science< Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia
There are two evolutionary theories in current biology "modern synthesis" and "epigenetic theory". The first one is based on the assumption of hard correspondence between phenotypes and genotypes. For this reason the theory of modern synthesis is principally incompatible with developmental biology. In contrast, the epigenetic theory considers evolution as a process of environmentally controlled transformation of ontogeny. It is compatible with the observed embryological regularities and used as a basis for wider evolutionary synthesis combining both Darwinian and Lamarckian mechanisms. Individual developmental system can generate only a constrained number of morphologic states. This circumstance is a nomogenetic component of the epigenetic theory: the same morphosis simultaneously appears in a number of individuals in response to environmental influence. Since the initial phenotypic change occurs to be not random, a meeting of a female and a male with the same morphosis is an event of sufficiently high probability. The nomogenetic component allows to get over the famous argument of F.Jenkin a problem that is still difficult to explain in terms of the theory of modern synthesis.
Application of methods of restoration theory in the models of optimal feeding
N.Perrin, V.Mazalov
Institute of Zoology and Animal Ecology, University of Lossane, Switzerland
e-mail: nicolas.perrin@ie.zea.unil.ch
Institute of Applied Mathematical Studies, Karelia Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Science, Pushkinskaya ul. 11, Petrozavodsk 185610, Russia
e-mail: vmazalov@krc.karelia.ru
The method of stochastic dynamic programming is widely used in ecology of behavior, but has some imperfections because of use of temporal limits. The authors presented an alternative approach based on the methods of the theory of restoration. Suggested method uses cumulative energy reserves per time unit as a criterium, that leads to stationary cycles in the area of states. This approach allows to study the optimal feeding by analytic methods.