Irina V. Czernyadjeva. Mosses of the vicinity of Yunto Lake (West SiberiaN Arctic). // Arctoa. 1998. V. 7. P. 1-8.


The list of mosses of local floras from the vicinity of Yunto Lake (67° 40' N, 68° 00' E, West Siberia Arcrtic) is presented. This district is situated on the boundary of the Yamal Peninsula and the Priuralskji region (Polar Ural). The list includes 206 species of 30 families and 87 genera. 23 species are rare for territory of the Russian Arctic, 2 species are very rare in world (Encalypta mutica, Molendoa tenuinervis). Bryological characteristics of all types of habitat are discussed (1 - sedge-bushy-moss tundra, 2 - low bush-sedge-lichen-moss tundra, 3 - "spotty" low bush-lichen tundra, 4 - hummocky cotton-grass - moss tundra, 5 - polygonal tundra-bog complex, 6 - low bushy tundra, 7 - herb meadow, 8 - alder grove, 9 - nival community, 10 - sphagnum bushy tundra, 11 - herb willow stand, 12 - hillock low bush-sedge-moss bog, 13 - sedge-cotton-grass-moss fen, 14 - eutrophic low bush-sedge-moss tundra, 15 - rocks, 16 - bare soil, 17 - banks of streams). In the list of mosses there are indicated the occurrence of species in different habitat; b) species frequency (un - 1 record, rar - 2-5 record, spar - 6-15 record, com - 16-30 record, wid - more than 30 record); c) sporophyte absence (S-) or presence (S+).