Ignatov, M. S. & J. Lewinsky-Haapasaari. Bryophytes of Altai Mountains. II. The genera Amphidium Schimp., Orthotrichum Hedw. and Zygodon Hook. & Tayl. (Orthotrichaceae, Musci). // Arctoa. 1994. V. 3. P. 29-58. Hedw. and Zygodon Hook. & Tayl. (Orthotrichaceae, Musci).


Two species of Amphidium, 15 species of Orthotrichum and 1 species of Zygodon are reported for Altai. Description, illustration, keys for identification and comments on species distribution are provided for all small species. Orthotrichum cupulatum, O. dasymitrium, O. laevigatum subsp. japonicum, O. vladikavkanum and Zygodon rupestris are reported in Siberia for the first time.