# Observations on the ecological variability of Plantago media. Middle Russia, June 2002 # Possible way of analysis: if(0){ tt <- read.table("http://ashipunov.info/shipunov/open/transect.txt", h=TRUE) Str(tt) # asmisc.r plot(LEAF.L ~ POSITION, data=tt) abline(coef(line(tt$POSITION, tt$LEAF.L))) tt.lm <- lm(LEAF.L ~ POSITION, data=tt) summary(tt.lm) plot(tt.lm, which=2) plot(tt.lm, which=1) plot(lm(LEAF.L ~ I(POSITION^2), data=tt), which=1) plot(lm(LEAF.L ~ I(POSITION^3), data=tt), which=1) AIC(tt.lm) AIC(lm(LEAF.L ~ I(POSITION^2), data=tt)) AIC(lm(LEAF.L ~ I(POSITION^3), data=tt)) summary(lm(LEAF.L ~ I(POSITION^3), data=tt)) is.steppe <- with(tt, (LEAF.L > 110) & (LEAF.W < 50)) form <- factor(is.steppe, labels=c("common","steppe")) cdplot(form ~ POSITION, data=tt) summary(glm(form ~ POSITION, family=binomial, data=tt)) } # POSITION Position along the transect (started from most sunny and dry spot and went towards the lake coast), m LEAF.L Leaf length, mm (from that point, all measurements are about the maximal leaf in rosette) LEAF.W Leaf width, mm LEAF.MAXW Leaf maximal width, mm VEINS Number of primary veins