
No. 35, Vol. 3, 2001



Barsukova T.N., Dunaev E.A. Clavarioid fungi of Mocow Region.// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 3, 2001. P.1-6.


The distribution of 18 species of clavarioid fungi in Moskow region is described. Special emphasis is made on rare species and those not previously recorded from the region.

Bogomolova E.V., Zelenskaya M.S., Vlasov D.Yu. Morphological features of microcolonial fungi isolated from rock.// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 3, 2001. P.6-13.


In an experimental study of 26 strains of lithobiont microcolonial fungi isolated from stone surfaces, a wide range of morphological structures was revealed, including some previously unknown. These morphological formations may have an adaptive role for microcolonial fungi. Data obtained in our experiments as well as data from literature on such fungi are discussed.

Bystrova E.Yu., Bogomolova E.V., Bulianitsa A.L., Kurochkin V.E., Panina L.K. The investigation of zone formation in colonies of hyphomycetes. // Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 3, 2001. P.13-21.


Coniditions required for zone formation in colonies of imperfect mycelial fungi (Hyphomycetes) were studied. Two competitive processes are probably responsible for this phenomenon: activation of mycelial growth by substratum consumption and its inhibition by metabolite production. A mathematical model is proposed which describes properly such growth patterns of cultivated fungi as zones and continuous surfaces. Computational analyses showed the similarity between the experimental data and the results of modeling.

Gasich E.L., Khlopunova L.B. Mycobiota of weeds in Vologda Region.// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 3, 2001. P.21.


137 samples of weeds infected by fungi were collected in Vologda region (near the city Vologda and towns Ustuzhna and Chagoda). The annotated list of 80 fungal species from 24 genera, 7 orders, and 4 phyla (classes) is presented.

Mel'nik V.A., Carris L.M. Monilia urnula in Leningrad Region (Russia).// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 3, 2001. P.21-34. (in english)


Приведено описание гифомицета Monilia urnula, обнаруженного в Ленинградской обл. на побегах Vaccinium vitis-idaea текущего сезона. Monilia urnula является анаморфой аскомицета Monilinia urnula. Патоген вызывает гниль побегов, позже болезнь переходит на листья и ягоды. Ягоды вначале буреют, позже мумифицированные приобретают пепельно-серую окраску. При составлении диагноза этого гриба учтены материалы, полученные также при исследовании образцов, хранящихся в таких гербариях, как LE(Россия) и BPI(США). Приведенные в тексте рисунки помогают с уверенностью идентифицировать этот патоген в стадии анаморфы, когда характерные признаки болезни (побурение, мумифицирование ягод, их пепельно-серая окраска) еще отсутствуют.

Shekhovtsov A.G. Penicillium syriacum as a new species for mycoflora of Ukraine and Russia.// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 3, 2001. P.34-37.


Penicillium syriacum was found in forest soils of Ukraine and Russia and is reported here for the first time for these countries. Morphological and ecological peculiarities of the species are described.

Shnyreva A.V., Sizova T.P., Bragina M.P., Viktorov A.N., Dyakov Yu.T. Micromycetes from "Mir" space station: resident or transient?// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 3, 2001. P.37-43.


Several Penicillium and Aspergillus species are known to be the most common, sometimes allergogenic, and harmful fungi in human environment. In this study twenty one strains of penicilli-aspergilli group isolated from different polymeric materials and air at the space station ⌠Mir■ were analyzed by using RAPD-markers. Cluster analysis of the DNA polymorphism based on the unweighted pair-group method algorithm (UPGMA) revealed four genetically diverse clusters, one of whisch consisted of a majority of very similar A. versicolor strains isolated from different substrates in 1996. These isolates seem to be of common origin. One of them was very distant from the other aspergilli cluster and never found in earlier years at the station; it is more likely a transient one. One strain was identified as A. flavus.The six P.expansum isolates were separated into the two divergent groups of both resident transient strains, two of the isolated in one-year interval being identical that indicates their clonal origin. Inerestingly, three strains of P. chrysogenum isolated in eight-year interval (1988 through 1996) were very close by clustering. They represent genetically identical clones of the same origin and are considered as resident penicilli. Results are discussed in relation to the dynamics and possible ways of origin of harmful fungal inhabitants in the artificial environment at ⌠Mir■ station.


Mikhailova R.V., Osoka O.M., Lobanok A.G.
Extracellular catalase synthesis by Penicillium fungi.// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 3, 2001. P.43-47.


Ability of 115 strains from 47 Penicillium species to synthesize extracellular catalase was studied. Enzyme was found in 76 strains of various Penicillium species. P.camamberi K-221, P.canescens K-95, P.funiculosum K-1115, P.janczewskii F-49, P.glabrum and P.lilacinus strains were selected for further studies of extracellular catalase production.

Khairullin R.M., Maksimov I.V., Yusupova Z.R. Increase in activity of peroxidase anionic isoforms during septoriosis and possible participation of phytohormones IAA and ABA in this process.// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 3, 2001. P.47-54.


ABA and IAA levels play a significant role in the control of anionic peroxidases (AP) activity in wheat. A shift in the IAA/ABA balance towards prevalence of IAA during septoriosis leads to a decrease in AP activity. Thus, those phytopathogens that can stimulate accumulation of plant IAA or that synthesize their own (fungal) IAA, are able to cut off effective non-specific mechanisms of plant resistance, e.g. based on synthesis of phenolic polymer lignin in plant tissues.


Basova S.W. Long-term investigation of poplar resistance to Hypoxylon cancer in the Central Chernozem Region.// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 3, 2001. P.54-61.


Long-term field observations of Hypoxylon cancer development showed differeces in non-racial and specific resistance of popkar species, varieties and hybrids belonging to different morphological and systematic groups. The most sensitive developmental period affecting the cultivar was determined. The main types of poplar reactions which are distinguished by disease resistance were reve aled.

Dmitriev A.P., Tzaregradskaya S.Yu. Germination of wheat brown rust urediniospores with short-term humidifyng.// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 3, 2001. P.51-66.


An interruption of the humidifying period before penetration of rust spores into a leaf results in reduction of effective germination. The reduction manifests in germinated spores destruction by drying and in the lost of these spores vitality which did not germinate at primary humidifying. Data obtained can be used for the improvement of the model of wheat brown rust development.

Kalko G.V., Vorobyov N.I., Lagutina T.M., Novicova I.I. Inhibition of the phytopathogenic fungus Fusarium oxysporum by microbe-antagonists in peat.// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 3, 2001. P.51-66.


Antagonists Bacillus subtilis 10-VIZR and Streptomyces felleus 8-VIZR demonstrated both fungicidal and inhibiting effects on the phytopathogenic fungus Fusarium oxysporum in model conditions (on membrane filters) in non-sterile peat.Fungicidal effect consists in decreasing of membrane filter area occupied by fungus and (or) in diminishing of specific economic density of viable propagules. An inhibiting action of antagonists let to the reduction of phytopathogen conidia production. Both effects were shown only for unsupressed (reprodusing) populations of the fungus.