
No. 35, Vol. 1, 2001



Belozerskaya T.A. Fungal hydrophobins: structure and function. // Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 1, 2001. P.3-12.


The ability to synthesize hydrophobins appears to be a unique property of a fungal organism. These proteins appear on 2-3rd day of growth. They are secreted through the hyphal apex into the medium. Formation of a amphipathic film on the surface of conidiospores, aerial hyphae and fruit bodies is the distinctive property of this cystein-rich proteins containing up to 100-25 amino acid residues but the sequence homology between them appears to be rather small. Some hydrophobins have been shpwn to be involved in adherence phenomena. Their ecological significance apparently implicates dissemination of spores, pathogenesis and symbiosis. The property of hydrophobins to coat the surface with a very thin layer (about 10 nm) that dramatically changes the nature of this surface promises the use of these proteins in biotechnology.  


Barsukova T.N. Myxomycetes of the Aliokhin Central Chernozem Biosphere Reserve // Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 1, 2001. P.12-15.


Thirty five species of Myxomycetes were identified. Badhamia lilacina is reported for Russia for the first time.

Vasilyeva L.N. Hysteriaceous fungi in the Russian Far East. IV. Glyphium, Lophium and Mytilinidion. // Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 1, 2001. P.15-19. (in english)


Приводятся данные о видах родов Glyphium, Lophium и Mytilinidion, обнаруженных на территории российского Дальнего Востока. Вид Lophium mayori Zogg выделен в самостоятельный род Zoggium.

Gorbunova I.A. Cap fungi of the Katunsky reserve.// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 1, 2001. P.19-28.


One hundred fourteen species of macromycetes are reported for the first time for Katunsky Nature Reserve, where they were collected by the author. The list includes 2 Ascomycota and 112 Basidiomycota species: 58 from the order Agaricales, 13 from Boletales, 1 from Cantharellales, 23 from Cortinariales, 3 from Lycoperdales, 5 from Poriales, and 9 from Russulales.

Huseyinov E., Selfuk F. Contribution to study of mycoflora of Turkey. I. Coelomycetes of orders Melanconiales and Sphaeropsidales on forest trees and shrubs in the Black sea coast (Rize and Trabzon provinces).// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 1, 2001. P.28-34. (in english)


В результате проводившихся в 1998-1999 гг. в провинциях Ризе и Трабазон (Турция) исследований на деревьях и кустарниках выявлено 76 видов целомицетов. К порядку Melanconiales относятся 36 видов из 17 родов. Они обнаружены на 28 видах из 24 родов лесных деревьев и кустарников. Наиболее многочисленными и широко распространенными здесь были виды родов Cylindrosporium (7) и Pestalotiopsis (5). Остальные роды представлены 1-3 видами. Число выявленных сферопсидальных грибов лишь немногим больше √ 40 видов из 9 родов. Больше всего найдено видов родов Ascochyta (5), Phyllosticta (21) и Septoria (6), остальные роды представлены 1, реже 2-3 видами в каждом.

Zhurbenko M.P. Lichenicolous fungi from Murmansk region of Russia.// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 1, 2001. P.34-40.(in english)


Представлен список 31 известного к настоящему времени таксона лихенофильных грибов Мурманской обл. России. Двадцать семь видов приводятся по данным автора, четыре √ по литературным данным.

Mel'nik V.A., Belomesyatseva D.B. Ojibwaya perpulchra, a new hyphomycete for mycobiota of Byelorussia.// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 1, 2001. P.40-43.


Data on occurence of rare dematiaceous hyphomycete Ojibwaya perpulchra on Juniperus communis in Byelorussia is given. It is the third record (beside Canada and Malawi) in the world.

Fomina E.A. Ectomycorrhizal fungi in spruce forests of Karelian Isthmus (Leningrad region). I. Species diversity.// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 1, 2001. P.43-52.


Species diversity of the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi in undisturbed old-growth spruce forests of Karelian Isthmus (middle taiga, Leningrad region) were investigated. 120 species and intraspecific taxa of ECM basidiomycetes were registered on the six permanent plots, se in different types of spruce forests. Majority of the species diversity is composed by Cortinarius, Russula, and Lactarius species. Poorest diversity and lowest rate of fruit bodies formation were detected in bog moss spruce forest, while the highest was typical for bilberry spruce associations. Each plot is characterised by specific complex of dominant (in terms of sporocarp quantity) species. Diversity of dominating species is of high similarity for the plots with resembling soil and phytocenoses features.

Chabounine D.A., Alexeyev V.A. The subtop dieback of fir crowns, caused by a new species of a fungus from genus Durandiella.// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 1, 2001. P.52-56.


The new ascomycete of genus Durandiella Seaver was found out. The fungus causes a sub-top damage of Abies sibirica Ledeb. crowns in a number of areas of Central Siberia. The diagnosis of the new fungus and the description of disease are given.

Gromovikh T.I., Prudnikova S.V., Gromovikh V.S., Mogilnaya O.A. New aborigine strains of Trichoderma species, distributed in Middle Siberia.// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 1, 2001. P.52-56.


More than Trichoderma isolates were obtained from soil in various forests in Middle Siberia. Four species Trichoderma anamorph Hypocrea gelatinosa, T.viride, T.virens, and T.longibrachiatum were identified at the first stage following descriptions of Bissett. Four isolates were selected for disease suppressiveness test. Isolates were tested for antibiotic activity against Fusarium fungi, as major pathogens of spruce and pine seedlings. All tested Trichoderma isolates showed high or moderate activity against Fusarium species. This supported the conclusion that selected strains have a potential to be used for biocontrol of coniferous seedlings pathogens.


Krasnopolskaya L.M., Belitsky I.V., Fedorova G.B., Katrukha G.S. Pleurotus djamor: methods of cultivation and antimicrobial properties.// Mycol. and phytopat. No. 35, Vol. 1, 2001. P.56-62.


Pleurotus djamor morphology, growth, fruit body production, and specific environmental demands were studied, and as a result the species is recommended for summer farming. Anti-microbial activity of P.djamor, P.ostreatus, and P.pulmonarius was tested by means of a set of selected micro-organisms. The test demonstrated generic specificity of observed activity.