
No. 34, Vol. 1, 2000



Belova N.V. Relations between macromycetes toxicity and their ecology and trophical features// Mycol. and phytopat. V. 34, N 1, 2000. P. 1-6


Analysis of the trophic feature of the toxic macromycetes is presented. These fungi are shown to be saprotrophic and ectomycorrhizal macromycetes. Their toxicity depends upon the substances formed during the pathways of N-metabolism. This fact could be explained by fungal nutrition nature.

Mikhailova L.A., Prigorovskaya T.I. Yellow leaf spot of wheat - Pyrenophora tritici-repens// Mycol. and phytopat. V. 34, N 1, 2000. P.7-11.


Tan spot or yellow leaf spot caused by Pyrenophora tritici-repens occurs worldwide and has become economically important disease of wheat in Russia (Northern Caucasus) in recent years. Present review covers issues of disease symptoms, fungal life cycle and morphology, toxin-production, genetical diversity for virulence and other genetic markers, development of infection into plant tissue and genetic control of resistance to disease.



Prokhorov V.P. Winters discomycetes from middle Russia// Mycol. and phytopat. V. 34, N 1, 2000. P.17-19


Discomycetes and others fungi are common during warm period. This is the first time when two discomycete species are found in winter: Lachnellula calyciformis on died spruce twigs and L.laricis on dry larch twigs. Our studies were performed in forest at Zvenigord biological station (Moscow district, Odintsovo region) during 1991-1999. Development of fruit bodies were observed at the end of November or at the begining of December. Quantities of apothecia per branch and frequency of this species occurence in the forest were found to increase from Januare to March. Winter's fruit bodies contained fully living structural elements (asci, spores, paraphyses). In the middle of – March numerous young apothecia were also found on fallen pine branch, which were lying above the snow.


Sopina A.A. New and rare for mycobiota of Russia agaricoid basidiomycetes from north-western Caucasus (river Belaya basin)// Mycol. and phytopat. V. 34, N 1, 2000. P.20-22


Five species of agaricoid basidiomycetes (Cortinarius arcuatorum, C.saporatus, Galerina wellsiae, Hygrophorus poetarum, Mycena hemisphaerica) from North-Western Caucasus are recorded for the first time for Russia. 5 rare species for the Russian mycobiota are also found in the region.

Stavishenko I.V. Xylotrophous macromycetes of Yugan strict nature reserve// Mycol. and phytopat. V. 34, N 1, 2000. P.23-29


Species content of xylotrophic macrofungi from the Jugan Nature reserve was studied. Total of 97 species from families Polyporaceae, Hymenochaetaceae, Steccherinaceae, Ganodermataceae, and Corticiaceae are reported. Results from ecological, geographical and taxonomical analyses of the Polypores associations are presented. Different groups of polyporous species are distributed in coniferous, small-leaved and valley forests depending upon their trophical specialization.



Shmeleva V.G., Lissitskaya T.B., Vardoian G.S., Yakovlev V.I. Extracellular phytase synthesis by fungus Aspergillus niger// Mycol. and phytopat. V. 34, N 1, 2000. P.30-35


Conditions for biosynthesis of extracellular enzyme phytase by mold Aspergillus niger on the medium containing a few components including universal sources of carbon and nitrogen were investigated.


Kireeva N.A., Galimzyanova N.F., Miftakhova A.M. Micromycetes from oil-contamineted soils and their phytotoxicity// Mycol. and phytopat. V. 34, N 1, 2000. P.36-41


Effect of oil contamination on soil features was studied in the field and laboratory. Oil-contaminated soil is shown to gain phytotoxic features. Number of phytopathogenic fungi is found to increase in such soils.



Kislykh T.N. Distribution and species content of cereal crops head blight casual agents in forest-steppe zone in Ukraine// Mycol. and phytopat. V. 34, N 1, 2000. P.42-47


Phytosanitary state of winter wheat, winter rye and winter triticale in Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine was evaluated. Incidence and severity of fusarium head blight as well number of infected kernels were higher on wheat. Correlation between precipitation and disease incidence and severity was positive (r=0.9304 and r=0.9065). Fusarium species were not strictly related to cereal crops, but in general wheat grain was conaminated by larger number of species. In average in this region F.graminearum prevailed on wheat and F.avenaceum, F.culmorum or F.sporotrichiella var. poae - on rye and triticale.


Niconorova A.K. Mechanism of green manure crop effect on development and sporulation of the fungus Helminthosporium sativum// Mycol. and phytopat. V. 34, N 1, 2000. P.48-51


Application of landcress is proved to activize both bacterial saprophytic microflora and transfer of funge from parasitism to saprophytism. This resulted in decreasiug of sol infection potential. Depression of sporulation on barley roots and exposed parts of plants was defected at the end of vegetation season when soil is lucking nutrients. Thus this period is characterised by improvement of phytosanitaria situation.


Portenko L.G. Verticillium longisporum - agent of Verticillium wilt of winter rape in Russia// Mycol. and phytopat. V. 34, N 1, 2000. P.52-57


Isolates of Verticillium wilt causal agent obtained from diseased plants of winter oilseed rape collected in Krasnodar (Russia) were identified as V.longisporum. Morphological characterization of the isolates is given. The isolates of V.longisporum have lower rate of radial growth and intensity of sporulation in comparison with isolates V.dahliae. Furthermore V.longisporum conidial progeny often contains dwarf and sectoring colonies that ore presumably aneuploides. Possible causes of the V.longisporum isolates segregation are discussed.

Yarullina L.G., Maximov I.V., Yamaleev A.M. Peculiarities of lignification in wheat plants under the influence of imunostimulators and infection by root rot// Mycol. and phytopat. V. 34, N 1, 2000. P.58-62


Effects of bisol-2 and baytan on lignification processes in wheat plants with different resistance to root rot infection were studied. It was shown, that seed pretreatment with these immunostimulating compounds results in PAL activation and lignin accumulation at the sites of pathogeninvasion. Induction of lignification in wheat is one of the common mechanisms of plant resistance to pathogens.


Melnik V.A. S.Vanev, E.Sameva, G.Bakalova. The Fungi in Bulgaria. Vol.3. Order Sphaeropsidales. Pt.1. Anamorphs with septated conidia. Sofia: Pensof, 1997. 336 p. 15 tab. fig.// Mycol. and phytopat. V. 34, N 1, 2000. P.63