B.M.Mirkin, I.Yu.Usmanov, L.G.Naumova. Types of plant strategies: the place in systems of species classifications and tendencies of development. // Journal of General Biology. 1999. V. 60. Number 6.

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According to any parameter reflecting reproductive biology or relationships between a plant and environment, the species form continuum that is reduced to the discrete types because of pragmatic reasons. Continuum of species strategy (behaviour) reflects their relationships to the level of resource supply, biotic factors and disturbances. The authors discuss the system of strategy types of Ramensky - Grime, its modern state, critique and development, particularly - investigations of physiological mechanisms of adaptations. These adaptations are submitted to the V.N.Novoseltsev's principle of biological epimorphism: different species adapts to the same environmental factor using different sets of physiological modes. The greater number of such modes, the more successfully species can get over environment resistance.