A.O.Marchenko. Expression of morphogenetic potential of plant organism: the gage approach. // Journal of General Biology. 1999. V. 60. Number 5.

Institute Vine & Wine "Magarach", Ukranian Academy of Agriculture, Kirov ul. 31, Yalta 334200, Crimea, Ukraine


The paper is concerned with the fundamental principles of the theory of gage fields in relation to morphogenesis in vitro and interaction of genetic material and environmental factors. It was shown that ontogenetic and genetico-evolutionary processes can be treated as consecutive breaking of symmetry of initial state of genome. Each local inner symmetry is related to a regulation system of an organism. Such understanding allows to develop gage models of interaction of genetic material with environment which describe genome, physiology and morphology of an organism within the framework of unified formalism. It is believed that environment and regulation systems exert influence of genome through the hormone system which is the principal factor controlling morphogenetic potential of plant organisms. Function of growth regulators can be generalized based on the concept of hormone control of genome expression. In this case it is suggested that endogenic phytohormones create an inner space, that of phytohormone concentrations. It is characterized by its own geometry and should be regarded as a space of state of genome. The author suggests a conceptual scheme of development models and their graphic interpretation, which allow to describe an organism at different organization levels and investigate its morphogenetic potential, determining the norm of genotype responses to environmental changes.