G.Yu.Morozova. The morphometric approach to viability analisis of clonal plants using Calamagrostis langsdorffii as example. // Journal of General Biology. 2000. V. 61. Number 4.

Institute of Water and Ecology Problems, 65, Kim Yu Chen ul., Khabarovsk 680000, Russia


Clonal plants viability has been studied on the basis of morphostructure variability of clone modules. The research has been carried out on the example of Calamagrostis langsdorffii (Poaceae) in the flood-lands of the Amur River Basin (Khabarovsk region). Plants vitality has been evaluated by 26 morphometric parameters, characterising their growth, productivity and reproduction. Clone ramets differed from each other by considerable variability and plasticity. Significant changes of all morphometric parameters according to humidity and alluvion gradients were very specific. Reproductive parameters were the most stable ones. Parameters of growth and dimension were characterised by increased variability. Wide reaction of morphometric parameters of C.langsdorffii to the changes in ecological conditions can be considered as an adaptation to the existence in dynamical environment of the flood-land.