S.V.Mezhzherin, E.A.Piontkovskaya. Biochemical gene differentiation of bird taxa (Aves). // Journal of General Biology. 1998. V. 59. Number 3.

I.I.Shmalgauzen Institute of zoology, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Lenina ul. 15, Kiev-30 252650, Ukraine


The authors investigate biochemical gene differentiation of bird taxa at different levels. Gene differences calculated on the base of sum distribution at species, genus and family levels were 17, 8, 29, 5 and 58, 6% for classes and 16, 1, 33, 4 and 63, 1% for orders. Following principal differences of birds and mammals gene differentiation were revealed: 1). The level of gene differences of bird taxa is lower than in mammals and is equal to the level of evolutionary divergation in Carnivora. It was discovered not less then 8% of lack of diagnostic loci in birds and only 1% in mammals. 2). Birds have two maximums of gene differentiation meanings at species level. The maximum of larger meanings coincides with a single maximum of mammals. 3). The increase in gene differences degree connected with three taxonomic levels takes place in proportion 1:2:4. It can possibly reflect the discrete character of evolutionary divergation stages. 4). The higher uniformity of gene difference meanings in bird taxa comparatively with the mammal ones is accompanied by relative stability of biological characters at order level: paleontological age, average body size and species taxonomic structure.